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Privacy Policy

“Protection of your personal data is a core consideration of FIND in delivering services to you.”


“FIND” refers to Find Global Sdn. Bhd.

“User” or “Users” refers to an account registered and operated by an individual or individuals as the case may be and is referred to in the Terms of Use as ‘Job Seeker’.

“Advertisers” refers to entities that choose to advertise on FIND operated platforms.

“Resume Database” refers to a database of User resumes hosted on the FIND portal.

Scope of this policy

This Privacy Policy is to be read in conjunction with the Terms of Use and includes references to definitions contained there.

This Privacy Policy applies to FIND’s online platform hosted on, including the associated FIND mobile and desktop applications and other FIND Site (collectively, the “Site”) and to the services provided are as defined in the Term of Use (“Services”), and other interactions (e.g., customer service inquiries, etc.) you may have with us.

While use of our Services involves the provision, generation and use of various forms of data, this Privacy Policy applies to only to personally identifiable information of individual Users.


FIND is headquartered in Malaysia and operates in compliance with the Personal Data Protection Act 2010. As a User of the Services, you may have different data protection rights depending on your country of residence. Where necessary, we will act in compliance with these rights and notify you of the same.

What we collect

You don’t have to create an account to use some of our service features, such as browsing Job Listings. If you do choose to create an account, you must provide us with some personal data so that we can provide our Services to you.

In the course of providing Services to you, we may collect a variety of data about you. This includes but is not limited to:


  • Personal information means information that identifies (whether directly or indirectly) a particular individual, e.g. an individual’s name, postal address, email address, and telephone number. This information may be collected in the following manners:
  • Registration information you provide when you create an account, enter a promotion, or link your profile on a third-party site or platform with your registration account, such as your first name and surname, country of residence, gender, date of birth, email address, username, and password;
  • Transaction information you provide when you request information, contact customer services and make payment;
  • Information you provide in public forums on our Site and applications, such as your public posts;
  • Information uploaded by you when using the Site including but not limited to employment related information commonly found in a curriculum vitae;
  • Information sent either one-to-one or within a limited group using our message, chat, post, or similar functionality, where we are permitted by applicable law to collect this information;
  • Information we obtain from a third party, such as a site or platform provider, about use of our applications on third-party platforms or devices;
  • Public information about you from third parties Site i.e social media platforms;
  • Financial information provided to us or third party providers for the purposes of transacting with our platform i.e. credit card number, debit card number, card expiration date, CVV code, and billing address;  
  • Activity information about your use, and the use by any person(s) you authorize through your account, of our sites and applications, such as the content you view or post, how often you use our services, and your preferences;
  • Usage, viewing, technical, and device data when you visit our Site, use our applications on third-party sites or platforms, interact with other similar technologies, including your browser or device type, unique device identifier, and IP address;


Aggregate information means information about groups or categories of users, which does not identify and cannot reasonably be used to identify an individual guest.


Anonymous information means information that does not directly or indirectly identify you and cannot reasonably be used to identify you personally. This information is typically developed through a process of anonymisation of identifiable data.


Information that is inferred through analysis of data relating to you (though not necessarily provided by you) which may be used to build a behavioural profile.

If information is aggregated, de-identified, anonymised or inferred so that it is no longer reasonably associated with an identified or identifiable natural person (“De-identified Personal Data”), FIND may use it for any business purpose. To the extent Information is associated with an identified or identifiable natural person and is protected as personal data under applicable data protection law, it is referred to in this Privacy Policy as “Personal Data”.

The information provided by you is presumed to be complete and up-to-date. You should update this information on a regular basis to ensure its accuracy as incorrect information provided may result in irregular provision of Services.

We are aware that part of our Services may require you to provide Personal Data of third party i.e. referee, guarantor etc. In such circumstances, you are required to:

  • Obtain the consent of the individual providing the information;
  • Explain the nature of the Services provided by us; and
  • Provide them with access to this Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.

By agreeing to this Privacy Policy you agree to fully indemnify FIND in the event a failure on your part to adhere to the conditions of providing third party data to us results in injury, loss, damage, penalty, claim, demand, action, suit or judgment.

Cookie data

A cookie is a small piece of data that is stored on your computer or mobile device.

Like many websites, we use cookies and similar technologies to collect additional website usage data and to operate our services. Although most web browsers automatically accept cookies, many browsers’ settings can be set to decline cookies or alert you when a website is attempting to place a cookie on your computer.

Some of our services may not function properly if you disable cookies. When your browser or device allows it, we may use both session cookies and persistent cookies to better understand how you interact with our services, to monitor aggregate usage patterns, and to personalize and otherwise operate our services such as by providing account security and personalizing the content we show you.

Where we collect this data from


We collect information when you register with us (including when you link your profile on a third-party site or platform with your registration account). This information may also be provided by you to us when requested through the use of our Services i.e. participation in public forums, uploading resume related information, providing testimonials or other activities on our sites and applications, respond to communications with us directly or through third parties and marketing engagement i.e. surveys, competitions etc.


We collect information through a variety of technologies, such as cookies, Flash cookies, pixels, tags, software development kits, application program interfaces, and Web beacons, including when you visit our sites and applications or use our applications on third-party sites or platforms using one or more devices, whether or not you are logged in or registered.

We collect information using analytics tools, including when you visit our sites and applications or use our applications on third-party sites or platforms.


We acquire information from other trusted sources or third parties to update or supplement the information you provided or we collected automatically. Applicable law may require that you authorize the third party to share your information with us before we can acquire it.

Why we collect this data


When onboarding any User or verifying details of a User and to conduct ongoing verification, security checks and audits.


This includes use of the information to manage and maintain your account with us, keep track of billing and payments, support delivery of the Services under the Terms of Use, prevent or address service errors, security or technical issues, analyze and monitor usage, trends and other activities, or at a User’s request.


We are constantly developing better ways and means to provide Services to you. To do this, requires research, testing and development which may involve use of Personal Data and De-identified Personal Data. This may also include updating, consolidating and improving the accuracy of our records; to produce data, reports and statistics that does not identify you as an individual; to conduct surveys, questionnaire and/or research for analytical purposes; to maintain records required for security, claims or other legal purposes; to provide training for our staffs and to conduct marketing activities.


If you contact us, we may use your personal information to respond. We may send you service, technical and other administrative emails, messages, and other types of communications. We may also contact you to inform you about changes in our Services, our Services offerings, and important Services-related notices, such as security and fraud notices. These communications are considered part of the Services and you may not opt out of them.

In addition, we sometimes send emails about new product features, promotional communications or other news about our Services. These are marketing messages so you can control whether you receive them.


For compliance with legal requirements both within the jurisdiction of operation and in other relevant jurisdictions.

To whom might the Personal Data be disclosed


In the course of using the Services, you may disclose your Personal Data to other Users including Company User Accounts through services such as job applications, postings and recruitment tracking or to Advertisers.

It is important to note that certain parts of our Services integrate with third party platforms including social media and other job portals. Therefore, using our Services may result in Personal Data or De-identified Personal Data being posted on those platforms. You will also be subject to terms and conditions of use of those platforms and their privacy policy.

You may change your preference of immediate disclosure by making your profile private in your account settings. Your profile is set to private by default when you open an account with us.

As part of our Services, your de-identified information may be shared with Company User Accounts who engage with FIND to identify potential candidates.

Our Site also use numerous third party providers, softwares and integrations i.e. for security, financial transactions, storage and processing. Your Personal Data may be disclosed to these third parties however we will ensure that such third parties undertake to adhere to this Privacy Policy.


The Site give you the option of putting your profile in our Resume Database provided that you use FIND preset format for uploading your information. There are two ways of doing so:-

  • You can store your profile in the Resume Database, but not allow it to be searchable by Company User Accounts or Advertisers. Choosing this function means that you can use it to apply for a job on the Site, but Advertisers or Employers will not have the ability to discover the profile through a search of the Resume Database; or
  • You can allow your profile to be searchable. When you opt to make your profile searchable, your full profile, resume and personal information will be visible to Advertisers or Employers who download your profile from the Resume Database.

FIND uses its best effort to restrict access to the Resume Database only to those who have subscribed to the Services however it is important to note that making your profile searchable allows these parties to retain a copy of your profile in their own files or databases. FIND does not have control over such downloaded content.


While we process Personal Data in the provision of our Services, we may also outsource such processing functions to third party services providers or product providers as we deem necessary or appropriate;

Personal Data and De-identified Personal Data may also be disclosed to our business partners including business affiliates or merchant that provide or deal in general with our services or products in connection with our Services;


As part of standard legal and business requirements, we may disclose Personal Data and De-identified Personal Data to our auditors, business consultants, accountants, lawyers or other professional advisers and/or consultants as we deem necessary and appropriate

We may also disclose such information to any person to whom we are compelled to or required under law or in response to a local or state or federal authority, industry regulator, enforcement agency, statutory authority, court of laws, tribunal, arbitration centre, commission or council or association legally authorized by law i.e. law enforcement agencies, government agencies etc.

Data transfers, storage and processing

In providing our Services, we may transfer your Personal Data to related companies, partners or third parties in locations around the world for the purposes described in this privacy policy. Wherever your personal information is transferred, stored or processed by us, we will take reasonable steps to safeguard the privacy of your Personal Data. By agreeing to this Privacy Policy, you also agree to the transfer of Personal Data and De-identified Personal Data to jurisdictions outside Malaysia for processing and/or storage.

To safeguard your data, we will implement necessary security measures during such transfer and impose contractual obligations on third parties handling such data that will require that they adhere to the standards of this Privacy Policy.

Data security, integrity and retention

The security, integrity, and confidentiality of your information are extremely important to us. We have implemented technical, administrative, and physical security measures that are designed to protect guest information from unauthorized access, disclosure, use, and modification.

We regularly review our security procedures to consider appropriate new technology and methods. Please be aware that, despite our best efforts, no security measures are perfect or impenetrable.

We will retain your Personal Data for the length of time needed to fulfill the purposes outlined in this Privacy Policy unless a longer retention period is required or permitted by law.

Right to access data and request correction

You have the right to access your Personal Data. To request access to your personal data, you will need to complete an application form verifying your identity and specifying what information you would like to access. It may take time for us to respond to your request to access as we might need to retrieve information from the storage and review what information we can provide you.

Depending on the circumstances, we reserve the right to charge you a reasonable administrative fee, in the amounts as permitted under law. Please contact us for more information.

You also have the right to correct your personal data. If there are any changes to your personal data or if you are of the opinion that the personal data we have about you is inaccurate, incomplete, misleading or not up-to-date, please contact us to update your personal data.

Please note that, we have the right to refuse your request to access your personal data for the reasons permitted under the law, such as where the expense of providing access to you is disproportionate to the risks to your privacy, or where the rights of others may also be violated.

User controls over data and limitation of processing

Our goal is to allow you to make meaningful choices about how your data is used, for example:-

  • You can control who you share your Personal Data with;
  • You can review and control your subscription to various marketing preferences;
  • You may view, edit or delete your personal information and preferences at any time;
  • You can delete your User account at any time in which event we will remove all access to your account, resume and profile. Please note that this deletion will not affect any profile, resume or information already submitted to or previously downloaded by a Company User Account or Advertiser.

We do not process Personal Data beyond the scope as set out in this Privacy Policy and always strive to limit the collection and processing of such data.

The collection of Personal Data where labelled as mandatory is critical to the provision of our Services to you. As such, if you do not allow us to collect such Personal Data, we will refuse to register you as a User (if not registered) or will refuse access to our Services (if already registered).

In respect of Personal Data not marked as mandatory, you may use our Services if you choose not to provide the same however, we may not be able to deliver certain experiences, products, and services to you, and some of our services may not be able to take account of your interests and preferences. If collection of personal information is mandatory, we will make that clear at the point of collection so that you can make an informed decision whether to participate.

Contact information

All queries regarding this privacy policy may be directed to:


Collection by third party sites

Please keep in mind that when you provide information to us on a third-party site or platform (for example, via our applications), the information you provide may be separately collected by the third-party site or platform. The information we collect is covered by this privacy policy, and the information the third-party site or platform collects is subject to the third-party site or platform’s privacy practices.

Privacy choices you have made on the third-party site or platform will not apply to our use of the information we have collected directly through our applications. Please also keep in mind that our sites and applications may contain links to other sites not owned or controlled by us and we are not responsible for the privacy practices of those sites. We encourage you to be aware when you leave our sites or applications and to read the privacy policies of other sites that may collect your personal information.

Updates and changes to this policy

From time to time, we may change this privacy policy to accommodate new technologies, industry practices, regulatory requirements or for other purposes. We will provide notice to you if these changes are material and, where required by applicable law, we will obtain your consent.

Notice may be by email to you at the last email address you provided us, by posting notice of such changes on our sites and applications, or by other means, consistent with applicable law.

Please check this Privacy Policy regularly to stay informed on how we are protecting your personal data.