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How To Write An Effective Resume

12 6월 2023

3 min read

How To Write And Effective Resume

The key to landing your dream job starts with writing and creating an effective resume that makes you stand out from the crowd. A good resume will get you through the first hurdles of the hiring process which is landing a job interview.

Here are 3 tips for creating the perfect resume:

Build your template

There are many ways to go about designing your resume, but one of the most popular ways is by using a template. Templates offer an easy way for you to create resumes by simply filling out sections on pre-existing documents. This means that you don’t waste your time designing your resume and you can be done in half the time!

If this idea has never appealed to you before because it sounds way too complicating – fret not; at FIND, we’ve created a resume builder where everything comes together nicely without much effort needed on your end. You are only required to fill up your personal details, job experiences and voila! A beautiful, job worthy resume is generated just for you.

Figuring out the format

Resume formats are always changing, which means you need to keep up with the latest trends. There is more than one way of presenting your qualifications and experience on a single page —so take some time before submitting your resume by exploring these different options!

Reverse chronological resumes are often used when someone has had many years of working experience since graduation, while functional or skills-based styles may be more appropriate if your work history consists mostly of beginner positions with some senior roles thrown in here and there.

In most cases, you would want to use a reverse-chronological resume format. It is the most common format, and most HR managers are used to this. Hence, in this guide, we’re going to focus on this specific format.

Customised Your Resume to the Job

Did you know that over 70% of resumes submitted to job portals are never read?

Hiring managers these day uses Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) to keep your resume and application. An ATS is a software designed specifically for filtering out hundreds upon thousands of applications and getting them ready before they even reach the hiring managers! But don't worry - there ARE ways around these so long as you know how to do it...

The key here is to customise your resume to each job you apply for. To do this, you need to mention the right keywords from the job listing in your resume. Also, don’t forget to highlight your achievements on your resume. Instead of just including your basic roles and responsibilities, let’s say “Sourced and recruited candidate via cold calling;” take this space to highlight your results too. For eg: “Achieved candidate placement KPI of 100% on monthly basis with accumulative project value worth [insert value here]” or “Featured as Top Recruiter of the agency in year 2022”.

These valuable achievements will set you apart from other candidates and help employers to evaluate what you are capable of.

P.s : You can use the resume builder function on FIND to create multiple resumes to fit the multiple jobs that you are applying for through FIND job portal.

FIND matches your skills with employers in a matter of seconds! We also provide job opportunities for fresh graduates all the way up to mid management through this site so that you may find your perfect fit quickly and easily. Search, apply, and get hired through FIND 

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